Our work by grants programme
We fund a wide range of people and projects, and our grants range from a few hundred pounds to several millions
In our 2021 Community and Connections grants round we were proud to fund the following projects:

South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust
Creative Communities will work with young people with experiences of self-harm and suicidality, to create accessible digital materials, initially in the form of an online comic/zine that explores youth experiences of self-harm, recovery stories, positive coping skills and contact details for support services. This is a pilot intended to inform future work.
Using a co-design model, the developing team will include young people, clinical psychologists and graphic designers. The materials will be distributed digitally to increase outreach, particularly amongst marginalised young people, and will also be used to engage parents, schools and community youth services in dialogue about positive psychoeducation on difficult mental health topics.
Football Beyond Borders
Football Beyond Borders’ Therapeutic Wellbeing Practitioners are fighting for a world in which every young person has a trusted, empathetic adult relationship by their side throughout their adolescence. Their approach is based on the knowledge that the most important determinant of anyone’s physical and mental health is the quality of their relationships.
Many young people who are suffering from mental health problems are either reluctant to engage in therapeutic interventions or unable to access them. Their client-led and person-centred integrative approach brings together affective, cognitive, behavioural, physiological and systems approaches to psychotherapy, but is delivered by culturally competent practitioners in tracksuits. This enables them to provide expert mental health support in a flexible, accessible and non-stigmatising way in order to overcome the deep distrust that many young people feel towards agencies that provide mental health support.
Mosaic Clubhouse
Over the course of a year, Mosaic Clubhouse will regularly attend mental health wards at Lambeth Hospital to engage with patients, identifying their strengths and aspirations and helping them explore community services available to them. By increasing the opportunities of patients to form connections with people and Voluntary and Community Sector organisations on the ward, as well as learn new life skills, those leaving ward settings will be better placed to make use of the support available to them.
Through this project, Mosaic Clubhouse will seek to ensure that people with long term mental health problems are not conceived of purely in terms of their illness alone and that their needs, ability and aspirations are at the centre of the support they are receiving. We seek to foster greater collaboration between health and non-health/ community services to ensure that those with mental health problems are supported to maintain their independence, play an active role in their communities and have access to the support needed to help them gain employment.
Good Vibrations
Loophole Music has been supporting patients experiencing mental ill-health at Bethlem Royal Hospital (BRH) since 2012 and has been a previous recipient of Maudsley Charity funding.
Loophole is based around music technology and encourages a range of skills including song writing, improvisation, production, recording and promotion. Participants can use GarageBand on iPads, voice, spoken word, ukuleles, percussion, traditional instruments, or can bring their own instruments. Loophole will run weekly group and individual sessions as well as monthly sessions on adolescent wards.
Raw Material Music & Media Education Limited
A previous grantee, Raw Material will work in a new partnership with SLaM Recovery College, offering a 13-month programme targeting young people 16+ and adults of all ages experiencing severe mental ill health, many of whom have been particularly adversely affected by the impact of the pandemic and the isolation of lockdown.
Raw Recovery and Progression aims to be a post-Covid beacon of creative wellbeing opportunities for participants to build confidence and express themselves through freewriting and music creation; developing digital, instrumental and artistic skills, creating online and offline performance; sharing their work for peer, tutor and community feedback.
Outside Edge Theatre Company
South London Drop-in Drama is a unique arts-based intervention that supports the recovery of people affected by addiction and serious mental illness. Over 18 months they aim to support 245 people through weekly sessions in treatment facilities and community groups across South London and Maudsley NHS Trust’s area of operation.
They co-produce/co-design interventions with service users through peer-led person-centred/holistic support. The programme’s facilitators have lived experience of addiction and mental illness and they train existing service users as Peer Mentors/Facilitators.
Theatre Troupe CIC
Southwark Youth Troupe (SYT) is a theatre arts project for young people who experience acute, severe and complex mental distress because of trauma. SYT offers multi-arts activities, enabling a space for participants to recover, and move on to brighter futures. Based on their conviction and experience that the power of theatre is a means of self-expression, and a way to explore interpersonal relationships, the SYT project is underpinned by a method called the Theatre Troupe Model (TTM).
South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust
Sports Fans Cafe and Sporting Recovery are aiming to improve the opportunities and increase physical activity levels for mental health service users in Lewisham. They are coproducing groups to support the transition into recovery opportunities in Lewisham. The Sports Fans Café being developed with Millwall, Community Connections and SLaM Health Champions will support their most vulnerable clients in making meaningful changes not only to their lifestyle but their sense of belonging and inclusion.
Lambeth and Southwark Mind
The Usemi service aims to meet the specific needs of service users whose experience of severe and enduring mental illness is impacted by race, ethnicity, and culture. With questions of voice and visibility as its central concerns, it strives to offer culturally sensitive and anti-racist support to ethnically diverse communities.
Usemi responds to local needs by developing innovative and destigmatising approaches in the treatment of psychosis and racial trauma in the community, and service users benefit from time and space to articulate distressing experiences and develop robust, enduring solutions that help them cope better with daily life.
Croydon Voluntary Action
Croydon Voluntary Action will work with community partners and those with lived experience to deliver a sport and physical activity programme to engage refugees, asylum seekers and homeless people with poor mental health. The activities will offer a structured programme, delivered by qualified coaches with wrap-around services that offer additional support, particularly for those with undiagnosed mental ill-health. A Community Builder will directly connect with this hard–to–engage cohort, support them to discover their passions and develop their skills to become ‘activators’ playing an active role in their wellbeing and integrating into other mainstream sports programmes.
In our 2020 Community and Connections grants round we were proud to fund the following projects:
Bethlem Royal Hospital, South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust
The Bethlem Community Men’s Shed was established to promote Men’s Health through occupation. It is part of a growing Men’s Shed movement both nationally and internationally, recognising the need and benefits for men to maintain their health especially at times of inactivity. The project is unique in the NHS, offering the service to hospital inpatients and those living in the community. The project aims to provide a safe, friendly space for participants to enjoy working with wood, learning and sharing practical and life skills experiences, that make a positive difference to health and wellbeing.
Women in Prison, Bethlem Royal Hospital, South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust
Women in Prison’s services offer safe and homely spaces for women who have had contact with criminal justice services to access gender-specialist support services. Funding will develop their Croydon hub service to offer more structured community activities for women in Croydon following hospital admission.
Hear Us
Hear Us provides expert advice and guidance to support people with severe and enduring mental health conditions to apply for benefits and other entitlements both directly and with Hear Us representing the person where necessary. The project encourages people to ‘do it for themselves’ where they can, using peer support and welfare surgeries, so they can grow in self-confidence and skills to maintain their health and well-being.
Maudsley Charity funding will enable welfare surgeries to tackle immediate crisis, empower beneficiaries to become less socially isolated and support skills development so people can reach their goals.
Bethlem Royal Hospital, South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust
For many people who have been on an inpatient mental health ward, being discharged back to the community can be a time which challenges self-confidence and self-worth. Re:Surface is a therapeutic vocational arts project which supports individuals to gain a better sense of identity through the art of craft.
With a specific focus on surface design and the transferability of printmaking to ceramics, participants will use imagery from their recovery stories to adorn a vibrant collection of ceramic wares, showcasing their ability and skills.
South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust
Parents and carers of young people can experience high levels of stress, burnout and challenges in their relationships with their children.
Maudsley Charity funding will enable this project to trial new ways of delivering innovative, information and skills support workshops for parents and carers of young people who are being treated by South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust services.
High quality, specialist, evidence-based education and skills training are rarely available for parents and carers, who have frequently highlighted the need for this support when their children are referred to mental health services.
Arts Network
Through Maudsley Charity funding Arts Network will be expanding its existing service to offer an innovative and engaging arts programme to Lambeth and Southwark residents, using creative activities to support people with mental ill health.
Through the programme they aim to help up to 200 people to increase their self-confidence, build new relationships and develop new skills, which will help participants access volunteering and training opportunities.
South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust and Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology and Neuroscience, King’s College Lonfon
The project will support young adults living in Lambeth and Southwark who are suffering their first episode of psychosis and currently using cannabis.
It will develop and run regular peer group sessions facilitated by mentors with lived experience of both psychosis and cannabis use, to support people to achieve a significant reduction/cessation of their cannabis use.
Evidence shows that reducing or stopping cannabis use leads to a significant improvement not only in symptoms, but also in social functioning, helping people to return to education or and employment.
South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust
This additional funding follows funding by Maudsley Charity to establish this service in 2018/19. Digi Inclusion is a community programme working with service users in Lambeth to address the lack of access to digital resources in today’s online and digital world.
With a focus on education and vocational skills, the project offers group workshops, and one-to-one support, with access to iPads. Benefits are wide ranging and include better employment prospects, independence, connectedness and self-confidence. Digi Inclusion is led by peers that are confident in digital problem solving and teaching in a way that is responsive to people’s mental health and well-being.
Lewisham, Greenwich and Southwark Samaritans
Support from the Maudsley Charity will enable the project to rebuild and strengthen all aspects of their outreach programme, following suspension during the COVID 19 crisis and its after-effects. The service will provide direct emotional support to vulnerable groups including the homeless, those with mental ill-health, children and young people.
The project will build the skills and capacity of partner organisations to respond to the emotional support needs of their clients, and play an active part in the cross-sector response to local needs and gaps in mental health service provision through participation in multi-agency Suicide Prevention Groups in each Borough.
Sydenham Garden
Sydenham Garden enables people to improve their quality of life, social interaction and physical and mental health in a supportive community environment.
Maudsley Charity funding will create a new service, the Transitions Pathways Project. The project will help people take the next steps in their recovery and progress – moving into employment, volunteering, further learning or to identify other future goals and take action to work towards them. This project will provide a supportive bridging period between regular attendance at the garden and life beyond it.
Sporting Recovery
Sporting Recovery is a Peckham-based not for profit Community Interest Company, providing opportunities for social interaction through physical activity and a Wellness Café; for people experiencing mental distress and those recovering from serious mental illness.
The project will use physical activity and social interaction to raise self-esteem, reduce social isolation and promote the wellbeing of people experiencing mental distress and those recovering from serious mental illness.

In our 2019-20 Innovation and Improvement grants round we were proud to fund the following projects:
A clinical team led by the Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology & Neuroscience, King’s College London, working with the research charity Autistica, will enable further development of a mobile app to support autistic people with managing anxiety, the most common treatable mental health condition in autism, experienced by the 40% of the 700,000 autistic people in the UK. (source: NAS)
Working together with NHS patients, staff from South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust and the Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology & Neuroscience, King’s College London, will develop accessible and tailored treatment for patients with a diagnosis of Autism and an eating disorder, improving clinical outcomes and developing national guidance for NHS practice, there are currently no guidelines for this patient group.
A programme delivered by South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust clinicians, working with children and young people who have been in local authority care. The project will identify and support people experiencing anxiety, low mood or stress – helping them to learn coping techniques and skills. Funding for the project will also be used to teach NHS clinicians and local authority staff the skills to use this care model in their daily work, equipping staff with new clinical support skills.
In 25% of patients with psychosis, standard treatment with antipsychotic medication is ineffective. The only treatment that can help these patients is a medication called Clozapine. However, there is often a delay of several years before patients can access Clozapine treatment.
Funding this project will enable clinicians at the South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust and the Institute of Psychiatry, King’s College London to evaluate a new approach designed to substantially reduce this delay, allowing patients to access effective treatment sooner. If successful, this approach is likely to change the way that people with ‘treatment resistant’ psychosis are treated.
Body worn cameras allow NHS staff and patients on inpatient wards to request a situation to be filmed. The use of body worn cameras is being trialled in a number of mental health trusts in the UK. This project, led by researchers at the Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology & Neuroscience, King’s College London and clinicians at South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust will undertake the largest study to date of NHS staff and patient attitudes to the potential use of body worn cameras and explore the ethical and therapeutic considerations of their use in NHS healthcare settings.
Around 80,00* young people in the UK have epilepsy, they also have disproportionately more mental health problems than other young people. This project led by researchers at the Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology & Neuroscience, King’s College London, working with NHS clinicians across South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust, King’s College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust and Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust, will develop new interventions to screen young people with epilepsy for mental health conditions, and provide them with better care. (*neural.org).

Tree of Life trial in forensic mental health setting
South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust
Tree of Life are workshops promoting recovery and improving the relationships between service users and staff across all acute wards at South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust.
This project will undertake a pilot of Tree of Life across two male and one female medium secure admission wards at River House, Bethlem Royal Hosptial, making it the first time the methodology has been implemented in a forensic setting. It will create a pool of trained service user facilitators working directly into ward environments for the first time, using an adapted and extended Tree of Life format.
Bulimia Nervosa treatment for BAME adolescents
Maudsley Centre for Child and Adolescent Eating Disorders (MCCAED)
This project aims to reduce stigma and help young people from BAME communities to access treatment for Bulimia Nervosa. Through outreach to communities, and working with schools and parents, it will address the low rates of referral for Bulimia Nervosa from BAME communities in south east London. The project is based in Lewisham working through SLaM CAMHS services and social services.
Bethlem Handmade Enterprise
South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust
The Bethlem Handmade Enterprise project has been providing therapeutic ceramic workshops and social enterprise training run by the Bethlem Occupational Therapy department at Bethlem Royal Hospital. This new funding will see the project expand into new areas of applied arts, such as printmaking and glass stumping, involving other creative occupational departments within the hospital. These new forms of arts and craft based handmade work will be sold alongside the ceramics developed in the first stage. The Maker’s Space will continue to develop as an area of learning and showcasing work made by service users.
Switched On
Blackfriars Settlement
The Switched On project aims to help improve life opportunities and support the transition into education, volunteering and work for people with severe and enduring mental health difficulties, through regular, informal digital support in a friendly and sociable weekly club.
Digital access and skills are vital in successfully navigating day to day online activities/interactions (benefits, housing, online security, medical and other appointments etc) but which can prove overwhelming for those with mental health conditions.
Bethlem Community Men’s Shed
South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust
Bethlem Royal Hospital’s Occupational Therapy Department will continue to run a Men’s Shed, part of an international movement to create spaces for men to meet. The ‘Men’s Shed’ creates a safe, supportive , friendly and relaxed space in which hospital patients and members of the community have the opportunity to socialise, share and learn new skills whilst working on their own woodwork projects and production of commissions/products for sale.
Kairos Inreach
Kairos Community Trust
Kairos Community Trust provides hostel accommodation, treatment services and supported housing for people with drug and alcohol problems and severe lifestyle challenges in Southwark. Two part-time workers will be funded to support residents who are in recovery from substance misuse, in their transition from Kairos accommodation into independent accommodation.
Mindfulness for Adolescents and Carers
South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust
This project aims to reduce relapse and recurrence of depression and anxiety in vulnerable adolescents, by providing a novel mindfulness intervention. Mindfulness for Adolescents and Carers (MAC) is a new group intervention, specifically designed to support vulnerable adolescents with a history of depression and anxiety who are at the point of discharge or transition from community CAMHS services.
Improving service transitions for young people with learning disabilities in Lambeth
South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust
This project aims to improve the transition from child to adult services for young people with learning disabilities in Lambeth, and to improve referrals between services working with young adults.
There is currently a lack of good information about what the transition process involves and what services are available. Young people and families feel unsure about how to navigate the process and how to seek help. With Maudsley Charity funding, workers will be employed to offer direct support for transitions, improve the information available, and improve pathways between services, thereby improving quality of life and reducing distress and carer burnout at this important time.
Developing a voice for autistic adults in SLaM
South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust
The project will develop a group to advocate for and consult on the needs of adults with autism who use the full range of SLaM services. The group will offer consultancy for services on how they can meet the needs of the disproportionately high number of adults accessing mental health services who also have autism.
Ultimately the project aims to make these services more accessible and effective for people with autism, a group who have often fallen through the gaps in (mental) health and social care provision.
Croydon Champs
South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust
Croydon Champs is a Peer Support Group initiative for adults with learning disabilities and mental health problems run by Croydon Mental Health Learning Disabilities Team. The group will be held weekly in the Bethlem Museum and Gallery workshop, and surrounding gardens. The facilitated group will meet for discussion and creative activities around managing difficult emotions and sharing life problems (and cake).
Developing parenting programmes for hard-to-reach families
South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust
This project will develop new online parenting programmes and train supporting professionals to increase engagement in effective parenting work among disadvantaged, hard-to-reach families.
The new technology, including videos and therapy that can be accessed at home, will tackle inconsistent, harsh parenting. This is the main contributor to challenging behaviour in children, the commonest mental health problem, which often leads to drug misuse, underachievement, violence and criminality.
Engaging in ME
Bromley, Lewisham and Greenwich Mind
‘Engaging in ME’ will provide peer support groups for individuals in BAME communities who are experiencing serious, enduring mental health problems but are reluctant to access secondary services, often for cultural reasons.
In addition to offering safe places where people can participate in structured group work alongside their peers, this programme will empower participants to shape the course structure and take control of their mental health. Subsequently, people will be signposted to other relevant services where they’ll continue to receive appropriate support. The project will also open up the debate around mental health issues and how they present in different communities.
Virtual Reality Platform
Maudsley Simulation, South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust
Maudsley Simulation is a national award-winning service, part of South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust. The project delivers high quality mental health simulation training to a wide range of professionals.
Over 5,000 multi-disciplinary staff have completed courses in the last few years and yet scaling this immersive experiential learning remains a challenge.
A grant from Maudsley Charity will enable Maudsley Simulation to partner with Virti, an award-winning, interactive, immersive (virtual and augmented reality) education platform to scale high-quality mental health training products, accessible anywhere in the world and capture objective data on how staff perform under pressure – the first project of this kind anywhere globally.
Find out more about Maudsley Simulation: www.maudsleysimulation.com
DISCOVER Project App Development
Using digital innovation to sustain teenage mental health recovery and self-management.
DISCOVER is a school-based programme for teenagers experiencing depression and anxiety. The project was originally created with funding from Guy’s and St Thomas’ Charity.
A Maudsley Charity grant will enable the DISCOVER team to develop digital resources to extend the impact of the school-based DISCOVER programme for teenagers with depression and anxiety.
The team will co-create a digital app with teenagers and software developers to complement the existing workshop programme, helping to maintain progress, improve motivation and promote long-term recovery.
Find out more about DISCOVER: www.slam.nhs.uk/discover
Education and Employment focused Individual Placement and Support
Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology and Neuroscience, King’s College London
Funding from the Maudsley Charity will enable the project to implement Individual Placement and Support focusing on both education and employment goals within South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust’s early detection for Psychosis services.
The main goal is to reduce social and functional impairment that characterises this client group. This project will also generate a new evidence base and improve service delivery.
South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust
The Digi-Inclusion project aims is to address digital and learning exclusion amongst mental health service users in Lambeth. The project aims to support up to 85 people, five of those people will be recruited to help train 80 others, providing opportunity both to train and learn about the digital environment.
Maudsley Charity funding will enable In-depth learning support for individuals and groups to be provided. These groups often find it hard to access main-stream IT training and access to equipment. The project seeks to bridge this gap and empower people with IT skills enabling them to take part in online study, job searching and other vocational opportunities.
Read more about Digi-Inclusion
Raw Sounds
Raw Material
Maudsley Charity has provided a grant to Raw Sounds, a community music project for people accessing South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust mental health services, including in-patients.
Co-produced with service users, members take part in AQA accredited group tuition from professional musicians, access support and signposting to relevant services, perform at community events and have opportunity to progress into volunteering roles.
Find out more about our unique partnership with Raw Sounds: Read more
Improving Outcomes for Young Adults with First Episode Psychosis
South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust
A first episode of psychosis (FEP) admission to hospital can be a traumatic event and the post-discharge phase represents a vulnerable period for relapse and self-harm. Funding from Maudsley Charity has enabled this project to pilot a new psychological intervention for young adults discharged from hospital after their FEP and evaluate outcomes in key domains.
Up and Running
Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology and Neuroscience, King’s College London
Up and Running aims to support self-management and recovery through exercise, among young people in south east London experiencing symptoms of poor mental health.
Funding from Maudsley Charity will enable running and other sports through free, fun and youth accessible sessions led by qualified trainers, promoting sustainability by linking with other local sports projects.
Open Forums
Hear Us
A Maudsley Charity grant is supporting Hear Us, a Croydon based mental health service user run group deliver Open Forums. The sessions bring together service users, carers and staff from statutory and voluntary organisations to talk about issues that affect people with mental health problems and provides vital feedback to monitor and improve services in Croydon.
Find out more about Hear Us: www.hear-us.org
Beating eating disorders in south London
Funding from Maudsley Charity allows the project to enable everyone in Southwark, Lewisham, Lambeth and Croydon, who falls ill with an eating disorder, to begin treatment within the shortest possible timeframe. The project aims to ensure rapid and sustainable recovery.
Find out more about Beat: www.beateatingdisorders.org.uk
Mental Well Being – My Story
Brixton Reel
A Black LGBTQ+ and Portuguese community project, funded by Maudsley Charity, to enable these two communities to tell their stories about their mental well-being experiences via video on their mobile phone.
The videos will be accessible online to the public to share culturally specific knowledge and understanding about recovery, self-management and staying well.
Outdoor gym facilities
South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust
Outdoor gym facilities for hospital in-patient sites; providing opportunity for free activity, fresh air and fun for everyone.
By providing outdoor gym facilities at hospital in-patient sites we can support engagement in exercise for inpatients, staff and local residents.
Maudsley Charity funding aims to improve hospital environments and create places where health and wellbeing can flourish, removing barriers and creating opportunities for sustainable changes in behaviour and achievement of recovery goals.
Read more about the Bethlem Outdoor Gym
Loophole Music
Good Vibrations LTD
Funding from Maudsley Charity to Loophole Music will support Bethlem Royal Hospital patients to stay well. Through weekly communal music-making sessions, using innovative technology and traditional acoustic instruments.
The project will provide a stimulating and safe space for patients to develop self-expression, team-working and communication skills. The project also aims to create positive self-identities as musicians and members of a group.
Find out more about Good Vibrations: www.good-vibrations.org.uk
W-rap (Well-being, Recovery, Activity Parcels)
W-RAP, (‘Well-being, Recovery, Activity, Parcels’) is a peer led, co-designed project from Mental Health Charity Re-Instate. W-rap’s are designed to be given to people in crisis
The parcels are recovery based, content is themed around the New Economics Foundations Five Ways to Well-being: Be active, Connect, Take Notice, Keep Learning, Give.
Read more about the W-RAP Project
Whatever Makes You Happy Programme
Greenwich and Lewisham Young People’s Theatre
A Maudsley Charity grant is supporting the ‘Whatever Makes You Happy’ programme, a free, referral-based drama programme for young people aged 8-14 with, or at risk of developing, mental ill health. Led by specialist tutors and therapists, it offers a supportive space where participants can gain confidence, find effective ways to express themselves and build resilience.
Find out more about Greenwich and Lewisham Young People’s Theatre: www.glypt.co.uk
Engaging User Voices – Recreate Psychiatry at The Dragon Café
Mental Health Fight Club
Funding from the Maudsley Charity will enable the Dragon Café to encourage holistic, nurturing relationships between mental health professionals and service users. Through creative platforms, facilitated dialogue and workshops at The Dragon Café.
The project enables psychiatric professionals to better understand people who have lived experience of mental ill health, and for service-users to in turn better understand them.
Find out more about the Dragon Café: http://dragoncafe.co.uk
Pilot Cannabis Clinic for patients with Psychosis
South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust and Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology and Neuroscience, King’s College London
Approximately a quarter of people presenting to South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust with their first episode of psychosis would not have developed psychosis if they had not used high potency cannabis.
At present there is no specific intervention(s) addressing their cannabis use. Consequently at least one third continue cannabis use with increased relapse rates and hospitalization. Through funding from the Maudsley Charity the project will establish and evaluate a clinic for these patients.
The Tree of Life Advanced Practitioner Certificate
South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust
Through Maudsley Charity funding this project aims for a group of staff from South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust and their community partners, who are actively involved in promoting and delivering the Tree of Life (TOL) to obtain the TOL Advanced Practitioner Certificate from the project originator Ncazelo Ncube.
Find out more about the Tree of Life project: maudsleycharity.org/projects/tree-of-life-workshops
Paediatric CUES
South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust
Paediatric CUES: improving mental health resources directly available to children with chronic physical illnesses.
Maudsley Charity funding will enable the project to develop a new interactive website and clinic-based ‘drop-in centre’ providing access to innovative psycho-education that teaches fundamental skills in emotional literacy and wellbeing, alongside practical cognitive strategies and behavioural techniques to help manage difficulties.
Volunteer Centre Lewisham
Volunteer Ready
A programme of training, workshops and forums that will enable organisations to be better equipped to recruit and support volunteers who are experiencing mental health issues
Hear Us Croydon
Hear Us Welfare Surgeries
A holistic service offering education, advice and peer support to service users in Croydon struggling to navigate the welfare benefits system
Science Media Centre
Mental Health in the News
Supporting an independent press office to enable and encourage mental health researchers to engage with the media on key mental health issues. helping secure accurate coverage of controversial, messy and complicated issues
Anxiety App for Autism
An easily available, evidence-based intervention to reduce anxiety and increase wellbeing in autistic people and providing clinicians with a tool for swifter diagnosis of anxiety
Time and Talents Association
Get Out and About! Community Development for Older People’s Mental Wellbeing
To help older people who have become withdrawn due to depression to increase socialisation and build confidence and resilience as volunteers and community leaders and create a welcoming community network
PsychART 2017: Celebrating Creativity in Medicine
The PsychART 2017 Conference focussed on participatory arts, and their role in recovery. Workshops were led, in part, by service users who have experienced the benefit of such programmes.
Creative Sparkworks
A film skills training and employment project that will empower young adults with mental health needs to make short films to increase understanding and awareness in the community about mental illness. Integrated in the project will be paid work placements in the film industry to reconnect participants to the wider community.
Kings College London
The project aims to give people with mental health problems who have never tried running the opportunity to do so, with the support of a qualified run coach and qualified run leaders
South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust
Self-Monitoring for Self-Management of physical health in people with mental illness
Installation of physical health self-monitoring machines in four SLaM sites to measure weight, height, BMI, percentage body fat, blood pressure and heart rate and provide an instant read out that will be a focus for physical health and lifestyle advice or to ascertain when there is a need for more acute intervention.
South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust, MHOAD CAG and Age Exchange
Reminiscence Journeys
Providing reminiscence training and tools to staff and relatives/friends on two Inpatient services to develop therapeutic reminiscence activity as part of planned care.
South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust, Lewisham Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services
Recovery College pilot for young people
A small-scale pilot project to scope the feasibility, efficiency and effectiveness of a training/group work program co-produced by clinicians and service users. It will include groups or courses that are both therapeutic and practical/skills building.
South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust, Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services
SLaM CAMHS Digital Hackathon for children and young people
Bringing young people and clinicians together with software developers in a process that will lead to two apps addressing mental health issues being ready to trial amongst young people and/or in services.
South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust, Symbol Therapy Team, Lewisham Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services
Therapeutic Garden
Develop a therapeutic space where young people can have contact with nature in a safe environment, which can engage and soothe the senses and where they can participate in forest-school type activities, facilitated by a community gardener.
South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust
Developing a creative space for service users engaged in SLaM addiction services, strengthening collective and individual identities, map creative connections within the community, and maintaining solid connections and creative networks while supporting newcomers in the team of AdArtists.
South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust, Southwark Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services Neurodevelopmental Service
Autism Skills Parent Training Course
Further development of a group intervention for parents of children with autism displaying challenging behaviour, comprising psychoeducation on autism and training in evidence-based behavioural assessment and intervention.
South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust
The inpatient journey
To co-produce with inpatient staff and service users a graphic illustration and mapping of inpatient care, focusing on ward processes, expectations and experience from arrival on the ward through to discharge.
South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust
ECG Interpretation in Psychiatry Inpatients
A project to trial ECG machines in SLaM which are digitally linked to the cardiology Department in Kings College Hospital, allowing for direct requests for interpretation.
Explore our work by grants programme

Anchor Funding to root us in our communities and our history
See projects
Community and Connection Smaller grants to support those who are most unwell
See projects
Innovation and Improvement Funding for new and improved approaches to care
See projects
Transformation Large scale, long term impact projects
See projects