Featured projects
Every single one of the projects we invest in has the potential for positive impact on the lives of people with mental illness and the lives of those caring for them. We’re shining a light on just a few of these projects.
Patient and Carer Race Equality Framework (PCREF)
An approach to anti-racism within mental health trusts in England and the first-ever national anti-racism framework for the NHS.
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Advance Statements for Black African and Caribbean People
Creating opportunities for Black service users to make choices about their care. Total funding provided £249,894
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The DISCOVER programme is providing award winning psychological advice and techniques helping older teens manage mental wellbeing
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Activities on wards for patients living with psychosis
Activities like gardening and art are important to wellbeing of patients on the ward
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Creative Communities – Peer-designed digital comics
The Creative Communities project worked with a diverse group of young people to create a digital comic exploring their own experiences of, and perspectives on, self- harm, suicidality, and exploitation.
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Pears Maudsley Centre for Children and Young People
Transforming young people’s mental health care and support through pioneering new approaches. Funding to date: £10.3m
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Change Makers

Hear from some of the real people who have contributed to and benefitted from the work we fund.
Joseph on quality time and activities for inpatients
Joseph is a Senior Occupational Therapist at South London and Maudsley. He is currently attached to an all-male acute ward caring for 17 patients.
Annette on being a strong voice for racial equity
Annette is carer who is actively involved in initiatives to improve mental health services including as the PCREF Service User and Carer Chair/Lead
Alishba on finding focus and overcoming exam anxiety
Alishba is 18 years old and recently completed her secondary education at a school in south London, using techniques she learned from the DISCOVER programme.
Pat on how science is helping him to face memory loss
Pat is 77 years old and was one of the first participants in the Brain Health Clinic. He’s since gone on to be part of a further clinical...
Ken on a life of service and giving back as a volunteer
Ken is the founder of Brixton Cycling Club and a long-time service user of South London and Maudsley who recently started volunteering with the Trust.
Anchor programme

Andy on his love for the ORTUS centre
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The ORTUS Centre
We built and operate ORTUS on a break-even basis for the benefit of everyone who walks through our doors. More than a building, it's a place for learning, for ideas and for connection. We host members of the local community, members of our partner organisations, as well as training, conferences and art exhibitions. We welcomed 16,400 visitors in 2022/23, across 700 events and meetings.
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