Contact us

Office details

Maudsley Charity
82-96 Grove Lane
London SE5 8SN

We are located on the Denmark Hill campus in Camberwell, the nearest train station is Denmark Hill (zone 2).

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Mental health support

Maudsley Charity does not provide mental health support or advice. If you are experiencing a mental health crisis or need advice and information call South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust’s 24hr crisis line at 0800 731 2864 (Option 1), or call 111 (Option 2), to speak to someone or visit the website

General enquiries

Please use the contact form below.

Fundraising and donations

Please give us a call on 020 7848 4701 or alternatively, you can use the contact form.

ORTUS enquiries

Contact the ORTUS team for booking meeting rooms, cafe and the building.

Media enquiries about the charity

To speak to us about the work of the Charity please email For out of hours press enquiries, please call 07939 424 500.

Media enquiries about the NHS/ South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust

If you are a journalist in need of information or expert insight into mental health or the NHS, please contact the communications team at South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust. You can reach them during office hours on 020 3228 2963 or via

Contact Us

Contact the Maudsley Charity

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Registered Charity number: 1175877
Company number: 11071377

Registered Charity number of previous Maudsley Charity legal entity: 1055440

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