
Could you be a reviewer for our new programme, Living Well with Psychosis?

Maudsley Charity has committed £10m to help people live well with psychosis. Could you help by being a reviewer?

February 23, 2023

Have you worked with adults in mental health services before? Do you want to help people live well with psychosis? Maudsley Charity are looking people to provide reviews for grant proposals to our new and ambitious £10m funding programme, Living Well with Psychosis. The fund focusses on supporting the development, testing and scaling up of new and improved ways of providing care, treatment and support to people who experience psychosis. It will support projects that will make a difference to people affected by Psychosis both in London and beyond.

Is your answer yes to any of the questions below?

  • Are you a nurse, AHP, psychologist, support worker, psychiatrist? Or do you have relevant expertise from your work in mental health services?
  • Do you have mental health research expertise?
  • Do you have an in depth understanding of health systems and policy?
  • Do you have expertise in quality improvement and evaluation?

Interested? If so, then contact for further information.