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Profile: Jermaine Bennett, Sydenham Garden
Jermaine Bennett leads The Transitions pathways project, which is funded by Maudsley Charity
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Runner inspired by his wife, a SLaM therapist, to fundraise for Maudsley Charity
Ben was inspired by his wife, a Cognitive Behavioural Therapist at SLaM, to complete the 4 x 4 x 48 challenge to raise money for Maudsley Charity
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Running the virtual Vitality 10k during Covid-19
Amy, a PhD student who works at the Institute of Psychology, Psychiatry and Neuroscience, King's College London, ran the virtual Vitality 10k to raise money for mental health research
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Profile: Oliver Jones, Digi-Inclusion
Oli Jones is Digital Engagement Officer at Vocation Matters, where he runs Digi-Inclusion, a project funded by Maudsley Charity
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Campaign to ‘Change The Story’ around children’s mental health
An NHS charity and its partners are today launching a major drive to ‘change the story’ around the mental health of children and young people.
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Profile: Sarah Carpenter, artist researcher at Bethlem Gallery
In this profile we interview Sarah Carpenter, an artist working with Maudsley Charity funded, Bethlem Gallery. In 2020 she was commissioned to create ‘HOLD’, an installation at Maudsley Hospital celebrating the International Year of the Nurse and Midwife.
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