
NIHR Maudsley Biomedical Research Centre

Supporting the development of ground-breaking treatments, diagnostics, prevention and care for patients

Maudsley Charity is supporting research projects at King’s College London and South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust, through the NIHR Maudsley Biomedical Research Centre (BRC).

Since 2014, the Maudsley Charity has provided over £1.8 million in research funding, enabling researchers to work with state-of-the-art equipment, to provide a space where patients can contribute to research and speed up the time taken to translate research.

State-of-the-art brain imaging technology

Part of the grant has paid for a research laboratory to be updated and buy equipment including eye tracking and brain imaging technology, creating a space where patients can contribute to the future of clinical care through participation in research.

Talking about the impact the Maudsley Charity funding has made to the project, Professor Tony Charman, Chair in Clinical Child Psychology at King’s College London, says: ‘The funding has allowed us to install state-of-the-art equipment using several different experimental methodologies, in a child and family-friendly space. It has also allowed us to step up our game in the area of developmental cognitive neuroscience.’

He continues,‘Through this investment we are now able provide more research opportunities and importantly work with more families, to take part in research and speed up the time taken to translate research from bench to bedside.’

BRC King's College Maudsley Biomedical Research Centre

Recognition of the early signs of autism

Emma’s son Benjamin has been contributing to a research trial since birth. Benjamin’s mum, Emma, explains, ‘His older brother was diagnosed with autism at 11 months old and Benjamin is taking part in a sibling study, which explores factors that can indicate a presence of autism at an early age. Helping this research is really important to us as a family – anything we can do to support recognition of the early signs of autism. The research is not intrusive, it is really interesting and is a way to give something back.’

Find out more about the NIHR Maudsley BRC in this short film

"The real flagship programme that came about was the establishment of the BRC nucleus. This is a data centre, for us to be able to make use of the amazing data assets we’ve got. Funded with a very large and generous funding of £1.8m from the Charity, and that really was a game changer for us."

Prof. Matthew Hotopf, NIHR Maudsley Biomedical Research Centre