
We fund projects across Croydon, which is the most populated borough in London

In Croydon 1 in 6 adults (67,000 people) has a mental health condition at any one time. (source: Croydon Annual Public Health Report 2015)

We fund projects across the borough both in our hospital services and in the community. We work closely with a number of community based organisations to improve the lives of people living with mental illness.

In Croydon we have recently funded a Peer Support Group initiative for adults with learning disabilities and mental health problems, run by Croydon Mental Health Learning Disabilities Team. The facilitated group meets for discussion and creative activities, around managing difficult emotions and sharing life problems (and cake). 

We’re supporting the local community by funding Hear Us sessions that bring together service users, carers and staff from statutory and voluntary organisations, to talk about issues that affect people with mental health problems.

You can find out more about our work in Croydon by exploring the projects listed below.

Bethlem woodwork