Exhibition: Re:Surface
Visit ORTUS at Denmark Hill until June 24 to view the latest exhibition, Re:Surface, showcasing ceramic and print works produced by participants of an Arts in Health project at the Ceramics Studio at the Bethlem Royal Hospital.
Visit ORTUS at Denmark Hill to view the latest exhibition, Re:Surface, until June 24.
Re:Surface showcases ceramic and print works produced by participants of an Arts in Health project at the Ceramics Studio at the Bethlem Royal Hospital. With a specific focus on surface design and the transferability of printmaking to ceramics, participants were invited to use imagery from their mental health recovery journeys to adorn and personalise a unique set of functional ceramic objects, showcasing their abilities and talent.
For many people who have been on an inpatient mental health ward, being discharged back to the community can be an incredibly challenging time. Withdrawal from treatments or services can evoke strong emotions and impact a person’s functioning and self-esteem, particularly as for many, having to spend time in hospital may have meant a loss of paid occupation, a reduction in social networks or the abandonment of leisure pursuits. These circumstances can often lead to uncertainty about the future and what to do next.
Re:Surface highlights a sense of shared enthusiasm and a capacity for people to work well together on a shared project through a particularly challenging time: the Covid-19 pandemic. By providing a safe and inspiring workspace, participants were supported to build their confidence and mastery of skills within ceramics and printmaking.
This exhibition celebrates the creative output and skills developed by participants through three blocks of Re:Surface workshops that took place from January until December 2021. Participants developed two themes: The Natural World and Everyday Objects to motivate, inspire and pique curiosity while still leaving plenty of room for personal expression and interest.
Re:Surface is a project of Bethlem Handmade. Learn more about the initiative here.
Sales and Pre-orders

All the works from the Re:Surface exhibition will go on sale at a special event at ORTUS on June 28.
If you see something you like on display and want to reserve it, please send an email quoting the item number to bethlemhandmade@gmail.com