The Estates and Facilities team help to maintain the Trust sites and carry out a wide range of vital jobs – from sorting laundry to fixing plumbing, cleaning wards to delivering meals, and providing a portering, reception and security service. During the pandemic, they have been called on to rapidly move and refurbish wards.

"We make sure people take a mask and put on hand sanitizer. Most people do it automatically, but some forget, and we have to remind them. I’ve never worked in a hospital before. I like meeting people and I’m very vocal and friendly. My team – they are blinding. They are really nice to work with, really friendly." Lorna Kelly, Security

"One of the biggest challenges was when we had to work very quickly to relocate a ward from the Maudsley Hospital to another site. We worked closely with King’s College Hospital to get a ward set up and running for them at Maudsley Hospital, which they needed due to the Covid-19 pandemic." Elaine Janas, Hotel Services Manager