The Ladywell Unit based at Lewisham Hospital houses a number of specialist wards. Funding from Maudsley Charity provided an outdoor gym which has proved invaluable through the pandemic and is used by patients and staff to maintain physical and mental wellbeing. The Unit’s occupational therapists have worked hard to adapt activities for patients on the wards so they could benefit from this support.

"During the first lockdown in 2020 I was Physical Activity Lead at Ladywell Unit. It was tough for the patients as they weren’t allowed to go out on leave and visitors were not permitted. Patients told me that the outdoor gym has really helped with their mental health and their recovery." Jamal John, Tobacco Dependence Advisor

We had to think about how we could engage patients in activities while still sticking to the Covid-19 restrictions. The occupational therapists and activity coordinators came up with a lot of ideas about things we could do. These included activity packs for patients who were isolating, ways we could run activities in smaller groups, and using digital technology to stay in touch with patients’ family members. Sophia Awan, Clinical Lead Occupational Therapist

"I get on really well with the patients. Doing activities can make someone go from being really annoyed to being really happy - just doing bingo or something like that. You get to know them and they chat to you. We moved a lot of the groups to the communal area or used the garden when there were Covid-19 restrictions." Amy Drew, Activities Coordinator on Wharton Ward