Healthlocker is a secure platform powered by South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust that promotes supported self-management and opportunities to improve communication between service users, carers and clinicians.
The project has been part funded by the Maudsley Charity. It is currently in development, more features and improvements will be added in the coming months. The digital service aims to improve communication and transparency in care. It will be designed and developed through collaboration with clinical staff, service users and carers at South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust.
Using Healthlocker you will be able to:
● send confidential, secure messages to your care team
● access your care plan
● create and manage personal goals
● access and create coping strategies
● track your sleep
● track a problem or symptom which you experience
● keep a diary
● share your sleep and problem tracking, diary and goals and coping strategies with your care team
● access recovery stories and wellbeing tips to inspire and support you.

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Your donation can help us to fund projects like Healthlocker that enable patients to have more direct involvement in their care, set goals and coping strategies.
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